This is a Valid point, unfortunetly one I won't buy into. When we had our busy years, you could quit your job make More money down the street. Now the down the street company's are out of Business, and the guys come back looking for work. I've never had so much pride as now, even though were not as busy as we used to be, were still standing.
I payed a Guy right at 100k a year, he was 24 years old always *****ed it wasn't enough, he decided to go out on his own and make the big bucks. He stole a few of my accounts along the way, now he's asking me for his job back two years later. I think not!!!!
I refuse to pay higher wages just to get good guys. IMHO if your not willing to work your way up through the ranks to the big Money, your not a good guy anyway!!!
Enough of my rant, I have plenty of Gray hair to prove, I didn't always make the right decisions, but one's I felt comfortable with.
this is kinda hard to believe...24 and making a 100,000 a year....that seems about impossible