The khaos benefits non aggressive riders in meadows and works for very aggressive riders in very technical terrain. You can’t avoid this compromise. People wanting a “tree slaying wheelie machine” is a contradiction in itself.
I like love jibbing and jumping pillows/natural features, bow ties, hop overs, whips. A pro is not as good of a sled for this. But a pro will definitely get up nasty terrain better. Nobody can argue that.
Like others said understanding your shocks can make a huge difference. I have fox coils with a rear lockout. When I need to turn khaos to pro I click the fts to 1 and the rear to lockout. This is in extreme conditions, but a nice option.
I’ve been surprised how many places I can go right along side 165/163 pros, alphas, and doos. You just have less room for error. And less chopping of the throttle. My 155 khaos is my favorite sled hands down to date.