So there is a position that opened up at work that I am pretty interested in pursuing. The move will be more an advancement than lateral move so obviously if I was accepted to the position an increase in compensation is something I would pursue. According to I am currently about $3k below the low end of the salary range for my position in my city. I know I am underpaid, but I am starting to question how accurate cbsalary is since the avg salary (which I would put myself at with my experience) is about $20k more than what I am making. The last time I was involved with hiring someone HR was using a site to get a starting wage amount for the position, but they are tight lipped on what that site is. Does anyone know what companies are using to set a salary range? My wifes employer told her is as accurate as what they use, and if that’s the case this move should increase my salary about $35k….if I was accepted to the position I want to know what I am worth, especially if they suggest a $5k raise I feel confident in disputing that amount.