Wow been gone for awhile...
So we know what we are ordering at authentic mexican restaurants?-what is beans, rice, beef and tortilla, or substitute pork for beef.
jsledder, man we have more Molis then mexicans in Rochester...the mexicans actually work though.
And most americans are "too good" to work as housekeepers, service people etc, so don't complain when little Pedro will do it!-holy chit I kinda agree with the french canadian bastage
Well only a little bit, I think people from my generation think they are above this type of work.
jonnyk, so if I flee America if the hippies take over, will you welcome me and my family with open arms and a hot meal? Will you complain if I tell your boss I can do your job for less money?
And you weren't here first, the natives welcomed you with open arms then you turned around and effed them in the back door.-mmm the Natives like all peoples moved around and took over areas. MN used to be all Lakota tribes, even around Superior, then the Chipewa kicked them out west, etc. And I will leave NAtive talks at that becasue I don't wanna get wound up or have the time.
So we know what we are ordering at authentic mexican restaurants?-what is beans, rice, beef and tortilla, or substitute pork for beef.
jsledder, man we have more Molis then mexicans in Rochester...the mexicans actually work though.
And most americans are "too good" to work as housekeepers, service people etc, so don't complain when little Pedro will do it!-holy chit I kinda agree with the french canadian bastage
jonnyk, so if I flee America if the hippies take over, will you welcome me and my family with open arms and a hot meal? Will you complain if I tell your boss I can do your job for less money?
And you weren't here first, the natives welcomed you with open arms then you turned around and effed them in the back door.-mmm the Natives like all peoples moved around and took over areas. MN used to be all Lakota tribes, even around Superior, then the Chipewa kicked them out west, etc. And I will leave NAtive talks at that becasue I don't wanna get wound up or have the time.