My now wife (then girlfriend) and I went to elko one weekend, and decided for kicks to drive up there.
When I saw this chute i parked the truck and just looked at it for at least 15 minutes.
In the right snow, i really dont think the ascent up the chute is the hard part. Its the entry. Not trying to down play it at all, because it is insane to the max. Once your in the run, as long as you can drive straight, your in the money.
I just don't know how you would even get into it. Heli or crane would be the only was across the river, unless the snow was just right. Even if you could, it would be the first part leading into it that would be the real obstacle.
I know the Thunderstruck guys have spent alot of time riding that area. And they haven't even done it.
This one is definetly way up on the danger level. Theres no way out once your in. not to mention if something did go wrong, that would be one hell of a long slide down in that narrow of a chute. Solid rock. That whole damn place is one big pile of rock.
I would love to see this chute slayed....... Epic wouldn't even describe it. But, at the same time, man its one of those that so many things could go wrong. If someone did atempt it, they need to have a trauma crew and a heli on standby. Maybe even a net like at jackson to catch you at the bottom.
anything is possible.
If we get 4'-5' at this point of the canyon... I found a way to access it, to get across the river. And "ala" some of those THUNDERSTRUCK climbs... the top is a "razors edge"... your gonna have to be FULL ON THE THROTTLE and shut'er down RIGHT NOW at the top with the front hangin over the backside and the rear "hangin over oblivian"! (ditto on the ambulance and/or helo)