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Agent ORANGE sprayed on our food


The more you say the further you disqualify your knowledge. Gmo's are not a Monsanto exclusive. GMO's have no impact whatsoever on where I buy my seed. Round Up is available under MANY different names through all the major companies.

So this insightful post of yours reflects YOUR knowledge??? This tells me nothing.
I heard it on cbc and they were talking about the last 20 years. And people are eating way more processed foods and are not getting enough exercise so its definately going to increase their risk of cancer.

Processed foods is just code for GMOs, since most all processed food has GMO soy, corn, corn syrup in it. We've had processed foods since 1950's. There are a few organic versions on sale for $2.00/bag.
Man you have the ol' blinders on. Every major country, China, Japan, UK, etc all take GMO canola. No choice, nothing else to choose from. Some with Monsanto genes, some with BASF genes, but regardless, all GMO. All soybeans from S. America are GMO. Meaning, all food based oil is derived from a GMO of some type.

Get over it, or go live in the mountains.

Agree with you that our choices are becoming slim to none, but not all food based oil is GMO. I have some organic coconut oil and olive oil. I've heard of organic oil for corn and canola, but don't really trust that they are GMO free. Cheerios is going GMO free and there are more and more options all the time. Maui (?) has banned GMOs. Sometimes it's not too much more for organics, but to be certified organic apparently takes tons of paperwork while GMOs don't even have to be on the label (yet). Connecticut pass a GMO labeling law sort of. USDA spends millions of our tax dollars supplementing mostly GMO corporate farms, while the organic little farmer has to pay addition fees to be certified organic. Sounds fair.
Agree with you that our choices are becoming slim to none, but not all food based oil is GMO. I have some organic coconut oil and olive oil. I've heard of organic oil for corn and canola, but don't really trust that they are GMO free. Cheerios is going GMO free and there are more and more options all the time. Maui (?) has banned GMOs. Sometimes it's not too much more for organics, but to be certified organic apparently takes tons of paperwork while GMOs don't even have to be on the label (yet). Connecticut pass a GMO labeling law sort of. USDA spends millions of our tax dollars supplementing mostly GMO corporate farms, while the organic little farmer has to pay addition fees to be certified organic. Sounds fair.

General mills clearly stated that cheerios were going GM free as a marketing decision not a food safety issue. I agree with what you say about extra fees to be certified organic I think it needs to be made easier and more research dollars should be put towards organics so they can become a better option for those who want to cater to different markets.
this has gotten so far off~ it started out as agent orange being sprayed on crops if ya have been around agent orange~ have ya ever seen an orange tropic??? if ya have then please continue~ if ya haven't~ well you know what ya need to do~
this has gotten so far off~ it started out as agent orange being sprayed on crops if ya have been around agent orange~ have ya ever seen an orange tropic??? if ya have then please continue~ if ya haven't~ well you know what ya need to do~

They are Genetically modifying seeds so they can spray it with Agent Orange. So GMOs are part of the equation.
Mad cow disease has nothing to do with GMO and first was discovered in Europe and spread to Canada and then into the US. People need to do their own research and then decide what they are eating and how far reached our food supply actually is.

I didn't say mad cow had anything to do with GMOs...I think that was them grinding up cow parts and feeding it back to the cow or something, Ewe.
I did however hear that they will be applying THIS highly dangerous product along with "Agent Orange".... I can't believe they have not banned DHMO yet!
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Oh my crimony people! No one is spraying any crops with agent orange! No one! 2,4-D is NOT AGENT ORANGE. I am baffled by the fact that some cannot get that through their thick skulls! You know, the water that you drink from your local municipalities water system, i garantee you has something in it that is one of the single most toxic chemicals to the human body....are you gonna start a **** storm over that one as well? Do you even know what it might be?

Getnetic modification comes in many many different forms. I have already stated that i dont agree with gene splicing in a previous post. But to say a blanket statement like "genetically modified organisms are bad" is simply too broad. Selective breeding, cross polination, these things alter the genetic makeup of plants. Period. Corn would not exist in any form without it. You need to realize that before you throw all of us farmers under the bus.

I remember a few years back, there was a potato beetle outbreak in our area. Devastation of the crop. Prices went through the roof, people were bitching about the price of a baked potato at the restarant...then a new variety was introduced, i believe the name was "new leaf plus" or something to that effect. Guess what, the outbreak was contained, the markets normalized, people stopped complaining, and our family didnt have to take out bankruptcy. All because of a new form or potato that was indigestable to beetles. Without that we aould have been spraying 5 times more insectacide to try and controll the infestation. Is that better? Or should we just have gone broke from failed crops?

There are alot more things going on here than most realize. Am i against organnic farming? No. We have plots of organic farm, as do many of the farmers i know. Am i agianst mandating organic farming? Hell yes. Because it is simply not sustainable due to the limitations on volume and quality of produce. We simply cannot support the population we have with the limited product volume that it produces. Nor could most people afford the prices that the market would rocket to.

To each their own, if you wish to consume all organic foods, there is no problem with that. I am not agains labeling for organic, gene-spliced (what most refer to as GMO), or traditional crops at the store level. As long as that is where it stops. I there is ever a mandate to outlaw non organic crops, this economy WILL colapse.



There is plenty of research on the safety of GMO's. Unfortunately fear mongers who go on about frankenfood and call monsanto the most evil company on earth get most of the attention and they can't even tell the difference between 2,4-d and agent orange! Don't get me wrong I fully understand monsanto's number one goal is to make money and I don't exactly love the company but I think science is on there side as far as safety is concerned.

I looked at your sources and the first Forbes article doesn't provide the research done...only a summary of all's well. The second describes test and quote, " Nonetheless, the results of animal tests are routinely presented to the European safety assessment authorities. In recent years, biotech companies have tested their transgenic products (maize, soy, tomato) before introducing them to the market on several different animals over the course of up to 90 days. Negative effects have not yet been observed."

Most of the tests are short term, there has not been LONG term tests. Since we are eating this GMOs food for longer than 90 days, I want tests proving their safety that are long term. The picture of the rats with the huge tumors were was a 2-year long test. Got anything like that??
Kids are fat because they are lazy and play with stationary screens all day.....as their parents and teachers lay blame elsewhere. I have six kids, none of which are anywhere near obese. We buy them basketballs and bb guns for Christmas......They have never received a video game console.

In years past, people died, and were buried. Science has helped us to put definition to those deaths. We are seeing longer mortality rates than ever before due to modern methods. The actual cause of death has not changed, cancer is not new. I am going to a funeral tomorrow for my Aunt. She just died after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. A generation a go she would have died in her sleep with only some stomach pains as a warning. Todays technology gives us better definition of yesterdays COD.

Agree, causes of death or diseases are probably better identified. But how do you explain 1 in 50 kids have autism? Or the increase in autoimmune issues, and the insane amount of people with allergies??? Bee colonies collapsing? Why those rats have tumors doubling their size?? .....several toxicologist have theorized it's GMOs and Roundup in our food.
We are feeding a ever expanding population with fewer acres in production agriculture. GMO's are here to stay like it or not. GMO's take a part in everyone's every days lives not only from the food you eat but to the plastics in your cars and computers and the fuels that power our vehicles and even in the medicines that the doctor prescribes for us. Yes even in the medicine that saves our lives( the bacteria that produces insulin is a GMO imagine that). Most that are against the GMO seed companies have little to no connection to the struggles that those of us involved in production agriculture face on a daily basis mainly how to produce a crop without going bankrupt. People somehow have decided that corporations such as Monsanto are evil but in truth Monsanto has developed and patented genes that will help feed the world while lowering food cots to a unheard of level. Most of us spend less than 10% of our incomes on food. Compare that to a few short years ago when that number was approaching 20% .
We are feeding a ever expanding population with fewer acres in production agriculture. GMO's are here to stay like it or not. GMO's take a part in everyone's every days lives not only from the food you eat but to the plastics in your cars and computers and the fuels that power our vehicles and even in the medicines that the doctor prescribes for us. Yes even in the medicine that saves our lives( the bacteria that produces insulin is a GMO imagine that). Most that are against the GMO seed companies have little to no connection to the struggles that those of us involved in production agriculture face on a daily basis mainly how to produce a crop without going bankrupt. People somehow have decided that corporations such as Monsanto are evil but in truth Monsanto has developed and patented genes that will help feed the world while lowering food cots to a unheard of level. Most of us spend less than 10% of our incomes on food. Compare that to a few short years ago when that number was approaching 20% . 2-4d is not agent orange.
We are feeding a ever expanding population with fewer acres in production agriculture. GMO's are here to stay like it or not. GMO's take a part in everyone's every days lives not only from the food you eat but to the plastics in your cars and computers and the fuels that power our vehicles and even in the medicines that the doctor prescribes for us. Yes even in the medicine that saves our lives( the bacteria that produces insulin is a GMO imagine that). Most that are against the GMO seed companies have little to no connection to the struggles that those of us involved in production agriculture face on a daily basis mainly how to produce a crop without going bankrupt. People somehow have decided that corporations such as Monsanto are evil but in truth Monsanto has developed and patented genes that will help feed the world while lowering food cots to a unheard of level. Most of us spend less than 10% of our incomes on food. Compare that to a few short years ago when that number was approaching 20% . 2-4d is not agent orange.

Agree, found out our flu shots now have dog DNA in them---Had a bad reaction.
Agree our food bills are down, but our health care expenses are up more than the 10 percent we saved on groceries.

"Already GMO-s are cultivated in significant parts of world food producing areas, including USA (especially), Brazil, Argentina, India and China. If the expansion of GMOs continues and this mechanim results in a significant loss of fertility it may lead to world famine in the long run.
" Source: http://www.psrast.org/soilecolart.htm#concl
then there's the super weeds and bugs......


after years of constant exposure, certain invasive plants have also developed a resistance, leading farmers to use more of the chemical. In some cases, the weeds have grown completely tolerant to the chemical, giving farmers fits. "I was talking to a farmer from Arkansas and he's got weeds that are now eight feet tall, they're the diameter of my wrist, and they can stop a combine in its tracks," says Gary Hirshberg, chairman of Just Label It, an organization fighting for mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods. "The only way they can stop them is to go in there with machetes and hack them out."


Source: Ian Heap, International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds www.weedscience.org/graphs/soagraph.aspx (2013)
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