Is this what the Monsanto salesman, peddling his poison told you???
According to the following source, ORGANICS perform or outperform Conventional farming. There are other sources on how spraying Roundup on the land causes damage that I've seen on Netflix from French farmers. The feller dug up some of his organic soil that was rich like coffee grounds and his neighbor's that was hard and compact and glumpy. It hardens and compacts the soil causing erosion and the roots of the plants are less developed. It kills most of the creatures in the soil including beneficial ones like earth worms that help add nutrients to the soil.
Eventually, people are going to refuse to buy GMOs and the only farmers left in business will be the organic farmers.
* Organic yields match conventional yields
* Organic outperforms conventional in years of drought
* Organic farming systems build rather than deplete soil organic matter, making it a more sustainable system
* Organic farming uses 45% less energy and is more efficient
* Conventional systems produce 40% more greenhouse gases
* Organic farming systems are more profitable than conventional
You have got to be the most complete idiot I have ever heard of. Go Watch more netflix and starve.
First off spraying roundup does nothing to the soil. The first thing to neutrolize roundup is dust. It has no soil activity.
Organic grain will NEVER yield as much as GMO. FYI take some of your organic corn from your god forsaken garden and plant it next to a row of todays seed corn and see what the difference is.
Your organic crops will never build organic matter as well because the plants are not as healthy as today's breeding, producing less plant matter.
Organic farmers use TWICE the energy as well as produce 50% more greenhouse gas as a conventional farmer today.
Conventional farmer- Plants then sprays, many times before crop emerges, may spray again mid season, and goes fishing before harvest.
Organic farmer: Tills ground to kill weeds before planting. Then plants crop, then rotary hoes to relieve crusting as well as kill little weeds caused by tillage. Next comes at least two cultivator passes to kill the weeds that keep emerging due to the fact that no herbicides were used. And when harvest comes the combine uses more fuel to harvest all the weeds that escaped the tillage passes.
Todays modern farmer uses half the energy producing half the greenhouse gasses per bushel of grain as the farmers did before GMO's came about.