Non residents go figure.. Try paying the Big Sky tax . Then have some non-res ruin your ride.
Before you go bashing all the non-resident riders that come to places like cooke why don't you ask the gas station, bar, restuarant, and lodging owners how much these people bring to their dinner tables in a year, and how their bank accounts would look if there were not any of these people around. Like everywhere there is a-holes in every large group of people from all different places.
We all pay taxes! I've lived in MN, MT and now TX and MT is deffinately not the highest on the list when it comes to taxes so don't biotch too much.
Anyone that has lived anywhere near a tourist trap knows that you have to deal with a-holes from out of town but there are some really good people too that normally out number the a-holes 10 to 1.
That being said that clown shouldn't have done what he did, but Aug could have possibly prevented it from happening to someone else by calmly and respectfully educating him. If he gets ****y with him, then slap the stupid out of him. He might possibly just not have know better and chances are that if anyone in his group was experienced and had any balls at all having seen what happened they probably took care of it for Aug.
just my .02