That’s good for us I guess. I would rather people don't buy the sleds, just means cheaper parts for us
The only things I want to get for my sled is to get an HPS can because i am hardcore HPS fan and my sled came with an SLP can. So SLP can, good as new, shipped to your door for $175 OBO. I also want to bore the track out, get some new ice scrapers ( 14 year old kid i let barrow my sled didn't understand the meaning of "don't back up or it will hurt my sled"), new side panel as i melted a hole in it when i fell off climbing because of a well placed fence post just under the snow causing my sled to roll on its side at the bottome of the hill leaving me at the top, nitrous ( undecided on brand as of now), and some good powder ski's (also undecided).
So far i will have
$4500 to buy the sled
$200 to pick it up
$100 for ODI grips, handle bar pad, clutch parts,and a new recoil rope
$25 for an aluminum pull cord handle
So i have a $5000 sled and hear are its stats.
05 chassis- 1700 miles on it
06 engine - 500 miles on it
SLP air box, SLP pipe, SLP can (soon to be HPS), SLP head, SLP vents, SLP big wheel kit, Boss Seat, V-force-3 reeds, 159x2.4" track (soon to be ported), ODI grips, 2" handle bar riser, Sportech handle bar pad, and i just ordered Fly 2" rise handle bars. I like to think i am a good rider so i am confident that once i get it geared down a bit more, clutch it a little better, and get nitrous, im sure that there will not be a hill that i can't get to the top of. And if there are... well then not many sleds that cost $6000 (counting in nitrous and skis) can get to the top of.
And as for handling like a toad... Mine seams to float like an eagle... it jumps 56 feet quite nice
I didn't get a pic but i did a 40 some feet lazy boy as well.