I'm in the same boat as Idacatman i run 48 mm cpc flat slides and jaws twin Ds choked down to 33mm with a 990 speedwerx 91 mm piston with a lot of porting. I still run the 9 tower but take and have them balanced with out weights and this helps a little on the bottom. as for pipe and Y i have never ventured out past the stock stuff, the reed seem to work better stock even with v3 i still went back to the stockers. for the money the v 3 are not worth it.
1 move to the forward mount post 2+ taller
2 higher seat (boss seats suck find some other vendor who cares about their customers)
3 snow eliminators
4 drop bracket's
5 vent the chit out of it
6 block off right side intake by the exhaust side
7 seal exhaust joints and out let in belly pan real good
8 check ground wire on motor to chassis for breakage and replace with #10 wire out of sjow cord (high compact stranding and very flexible and will not break due to vibration)
9 fill bar end full of foam to help keep heat in the hand warmers cuz they suck.
10 stock ski's are good if you put the doulleys from woodies on them.
11 replace the top gear with a new 20T and new chain.
12 grease all jack shaft and speedo bearing often.
good luck with the new ride and hold on tight and if the front end come up too much pull the limiter strap up one hole.