A sled can be geared for 50 mph and it will go 50. Where as presently, most sleds are geared for 75mph but only do 30-40mph in a 5mph ground speed hillclimb. This puts the belt at halfway up the primary clutch sheave which is gay, lazy, poor backshift, inconsistent rpm and rpm will fade on the top end.If my memory serves me correctly in order to run in 1:1(full shift) hillclimbing your sled would have to be geared for a top speed of roughly 45 MPH. I can't find my clutching efficiency breakdown but I believe the difference in efficiency between 2:1 and 1:1 was negligible like 1 or 2%.
Most clutchers haven't chased this issue down far enough. They settle for close to perfect instead of perfect.
What happens is tuners get to about a 2.7 gear ratio(gr) and it doesn't make much of a difference and they give up and go back to antiquated clutching techniques(2.2-2.5 ratios). They actually needed to keep gearing down but nothing is available off the shelf so they give up. They need to go to at least 3.2gr and higher(165" 3"). This ratio is where the magic starts to happen. As far as I know, I have the lowest 174" gearing(3.48) in the while widest world and I can beat turbos.
Cheers and fawk the doubters. It's time to move clutching from the 80's to 2020.
Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
80, 82 and 84 tooth bottom gear for a belt drive. Modifying of chaincase may be required. Experiment!
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