That means absolutly nothing. The fact is, more people are installing turbos on four strokes therefore there more on the market. Whether someone wants to sell their turbo sled for financial reasons or for the simple fact that they would like to upgrade has no relevance to your " study ".
The fact that Chris rides a 2 stroke is probably mainly because of sponsorship and I wont even get into the reasons behind KC....
If you go to the Doo swapmeet there are PLENTY of XP's for sale... why would peeps be selling their brand new sleds ? maybe because they have had reliability issues ??
case in point.... go to totallyamaha and check out the threads. most of them deal with commonality and riding. Go to Dootalk or arcticshat and you will see thread after thread of problems after problems. belts, clutching,suspension, MOTORS, etc etc.
Not very often will you hear of a Yamaha having a motor failure. The only time you will hear or read of a failure is because someone overboosted, or predetonated because of boost/fuel issues. It's VERY rare to see a factory flaw or design issue. Can't say the same for the other big 3. Believe me, ive owned every brand out there and plenty of them.
I laugh when people talk about how heavy a Yamaha is. Try riding one before you judge. And if you want to boondock, come and follow me through the trees here in Revy... I'll be on my turbo Nytro. See if you can follow my track, It'll be the one WITHOUT ski marks, lmao.....