As i understand it, this video was about STOCK sleds. It is true, one can make any sled better by doing certain mods to it.
Clearly I like the axys chassis, so don't misunderstand.
My main point is that it is clearly bias and it's obvious, they spend more time harping on the others and don't say anything about the axys faults. If your going to go down that road then I'm going to bring it up on all of them.
If they wouldn't have brought up the downfalls of others I wouldn't have an issue with it.
But to say the cat doesn't have low end power, i don't care who it is they are an idiot!
To bring up a weak front end on the XM and not mention the weaker a arms and bent rear brackets of an axys. 100% bias.
If it's about 3" it should also be stated the 3" power claw is by far the best, then doo because it's 16 wide, then poo, that poo track sucks in comparison.
Don't forget Polaris s lack of shocks. They are so much better handling with the right shock setup.
But no, the axys is perfect, objection is price, really, and you could buy them through snow check for 13,600.
The dude is clearly bias and lacks the knowledge to understand what actually makes the sled work.
Simple fact is if your riding ink stock and won't throw a few hundred at the other sleds to narrow, then get the axys.
If you put 1800 in a cat it will stomp a axys, and it should for the money. Of course because you upgraded it.
But to bring the axys up to Parr it will cost you at least 3k to match it prob 5k