It’s nice to finally see future snowmobile product from Cat, but I feel it’s still prototype and they certainly haven’t shown all their cards. I don’t think they should have even put an engine size out there, just leave the “600” off there except on the RXC. There are still variables to be hammered out on these things including the engines, don’t get everyone wound up about 600 Cc only, it takes away from this launch and there are certainly larger engines that will be in these sleds.
The other thing is that Cat put themselves in this position, this is exciting, but not something that seems fully ready to go. If they follow through with demo sleds this year that would be good, otherwise your going to catch flack when you reveal a new platform and have a lot of unanswered questions because it’s just not quite ready.
I’m a big Cat fan, and this is exciting for me, but I can see how they are still trying to be a viable legit choice while working through headwinds from Textron that put them in this position.
Somewhat frustrating, but that’s been a common thread with Textron. Really wonder about their strategy, I’m sure this thing was green lighted, stopped, started again… repeat…. And here we are.