Need to make a decision on what sled to order for next year. I already have the 155 pro rmk and love it. Going to trade it in on either another 155 pro rmk or the 155 assault with the 5.1 track. I only weigh about 175 lbs geared up and have been running my rear shock on my pro as tight as possible for the rough trails in Revelstoke. I find the front shocks work great in the powder but I think they are to quick on the rebound on the bumpy trails. I would love to hear from the guys that put the 5.1 on their assault and have also rode the pro.Need some honest feedback on how the 155 assault will stack up against the pro rmk in the following:
- ski width, the assault will be wider how much will that hurt the tight turns downhill through the trees compared to the narrow setting on the pro?
- no sway bar on the assault, what will be the difference in handling in powder and tight trees compared to the narrow setting on the pro?
- will the assault shocks get the sled up on top of the powder as good as the pro shocks?
- how much better will the assault shocks be on the hammered out trails on the way into areas like keystone in revelstoke?
- where does the extra few pounds come from, the tracks will be the same, only difference I see is the added shock weight but then no swaybar so that should help offset the shocks
- which sled will ride the best on trails that are not real hammered but somewhat bumpy like yellowstone?
7. Is the soft setting on the assault shocks going to be plusher than the pro?
8. Climbing ability in the trees, will the assault keep up to the pro?
9. Highmarking, can the assault keep up to the pro?