Stock, maybe....but swap the skid and track and you've got a whole different animal. This is what will make the '10 models, especially the SE, so exciting, because of the longer track (and hopefully better version of the Maverick POS), lighter and tunable skid (similar to Timbersled), I think out of the box this sled WILL surprise people. Not to mention the lower approach angle...Maybe I'll have to eat my words, but I think the 162 SE stock will be a very very good all around mountain machine. Is it gonna highmark the 800's? Probably not, but it won't be far below.
X2. I too was a little disappointed when the 2010 sleds were announced but I do believe the SE Nytros are a step in the right direction. The track and rear skid were IMO the biggest stumbling blocks for the 08 -09 Nytros. Should be a big improvement. I will however hang on to my 08 for a while. It has lost over 60 lbs (just a little more than 21)