Early season riding has begun. Conditions area definitely down from previous years and riders are cautioned to ride carefully and tread lightly to minimize any risk of damage to equipment, due to unburied hazards.
We are attempting to begin grooming operations
, please be patient with us in these low snow conditions. Certain sections of trail may not be worked as hard as others due to low snow levels so please bear with us as we try our best to maintain these trails in early season conditions.
Please check out the VARDA website for area information, maps and google earth links to the managed snowmobiling areas.
Allan Creek – Will be groomed Friday, December 10th and throughout the weekend barring unforeseen circumstances. PLEASE try to work with us BY RIDING RESPECTFULLY and NOT ICING UP THE CORNERS. This will cause further delays in grooming of this trail.
Clemina Creek – Will be groomed Friday, December 10th and throughout the weekend barring unforeseen circumstances, from 4km (due to low snow levels on the paralleling trail) to the cabin and if conditions allow, we will continue to the bottom of the Goat Ridge Trails.
Chappell Creek: This trail is has good snow coverage although is now quite bumpy. This area still has the best snow of all and I highly recommend this area for an early season ride if you can handle the extreme moguls.
Keyhole: There is logging in this area so the trail system is being plowed, radio contact is a must if you insist on driving up this road
Due to unforeseen circumstances, statements and dates may change !
Use your head and MAKE IT HOME! Be aware of your surroundings and know the snow conditions in the area. Check your Avalanche conditions before heading out at
Please report any Caribou sightings to VARDA office at 250-566-4817 or use the drop box
attached to the Kiosks in the staging areas.