the demand and all that is there.. BUT, even selling 100+ kits a year, your only option on most parts is to be just repackaging parts and making them a kit... and the snowmobile enviroment demands good parts, ok, get cheap gauges, accuracy of boost gauge? who wants it. there are a lot of things you just need to work and do it well. Have fun tuning a crappy fuel pressure regulator that fluctates all over the place and fails quickly.. enjoy tuning with a fuel pump that cant keep up. You are in the world of high performance.. cheap doesnt work.
I guess I just dont see where you guys keep thinking this magical 2k number can exist from.. if you want any amount of decent parts to come with the kit.. its just gonna cost more then that. even $2k in junk ebay parts would barely get you the parts to a kit.
even if you are getting volume discounts on gauges and your other parts.. your still looking at like $250+ in just those, turbo $1000, fuel pump $100, fpr $100, clutching, $200, hoses, clamps, metal for piping, silicone couplers, BOV, brackets, hangers, oiling system, flanges, gaskets, fittings.. and dont forget time and $$ for fabing up each of the brackets/airbox/pipes... yeah, if you sold 1000's of kits you could outsource this stuff and have it done cheaper, BUT, your not gonna move that kinda volume in the sledding industy, just not enough people do it, or what things like that.
unless you want every single part straight off ebay, $2g is a decent price for just the base parts,and just parts alone no way to hook it up. I hate to sound like a negative a$$... but until you have peiced your own kit together, you cant beleive HOW much money you have into the kits to make them complete.