Seriously here, why would Poo care about the clip track wear if they don't warranty it? And they don't. Those tracks seldom fail in the first 1000 miles (I've had three, they all wear, but none have actually failed). It's very simple - fewer clips are cheaper, lighter, faster. That's what people buy. If they sell some replacement tracks, that's even better. The MTTF of all these components is relatively known by the OEM - they just have to decide if it's "material" (that means significant) in warranty cost, performance, safety, and marketing. They obviously don't right now.
If more clips increase track temp, try taking all the clips off, and see how that works. Got a hunch it isn't gonna turn out well.
I don't think what I said is being taken correctly.
1.) Adding clips isn't increasing track temps. (well maybe it is, but not the point I was trying to make). The clips when placed beneath the lug will concentrate the heat to the track below the lug, thus adding to lug delamination problems.
I agree and would put money on it not turning out well with removing all the clips...
2.) Many tracks are fully clipped. They work great. There is no problem with delamination of the lugs. They are designed for it. My comments earlier were about the 2.6" track only.