Is this on a Nytro?
I have a 16 wide on my XTX. I had to grind off three weld nuts on each side where the track runs. Two on each side up by the drivers, and one where the footwell brace attaches.
Then installed stainless steel carrige bolts pointing out, with nuts/washers on the outside of the bulk-head. I flatened out the crown of the carrige bolts slightly on a stationary belt sander for more clearance also.
I also ground down a bunch of the long rivits that stick out in the tunnel, and replaced the bumper mounting bolts with round headed allen bolts. (For the times when the suspension fully compresses up into the tunnel)
After I installed the drivers, I mounted the track and drive axle in the bulkhead to check to see if the track/drivers were centered. I did have to adjust the drivers on the axle about an 1/8" or so to make sure everything was centered up. It was a little more work to do this, no rubbing issues though!