Don't take this wrong, But by the sound of what happened IMO this is 100% operator error.
As said in another post, Its a purpose built sled to be the best at basicly one thing........... Mountain riding. They build sleds also that are designed to tow & haul things. The PRO is not one of them.
Not hauling x-mas tree down the trial.
Not hauling 2 people.
Not towing another sled.
Deep snow only and if you have to trail ride to get to the snow you better be watching the guages.
I have 6 - 800 small blocks in the shop right now and they all have exactly the same problem ( broken front lower sleeves. ) Its design a problem, and Polaris has not addressed it. In IMO they are not going to. They have a 1 year warranty and most will make it that long and then the extended warranty is on to a outside insurance company. They will not be in business long if they plan on putting a long warranty on these motors.
In stock form the motor is a disposeable pile of junk at best. I would not own one without a warranty.
If your going to trial ride one of these you better use your head.