okay guys and gals?
Prelim results on venting: I rode yesterday hard for about 50 miles. checked clutches every once in a while for heat and belt wear. Remember i have only been getting about 40 miles on a belt before this. The clutches are still getting hot but not any wear near what they were. belt seems to be fine no signs of threads or rubber coming off like the other belts. I am still concerned with the heat in the clutches. I know that they should get wharm. I know that I am getting clutch heat but I don't think that is the only reason. while putting my vents on I noticed several things. anti-freez resavor and cap melted, oil resavor and cap melted, all the hood insulation burnt until crispy, plastic shroud where knees rest if you were sitting are wharpping and starting to melt. so my question is how much clutch heat am I really getting and how much of the heat is excessive motor temp. SO my questions is why is the 09 1000 running so hot?
Here is what I did for venting: 2.5 inch flo-rite in shock tower,2.5 inch flo-rite in plastic right above foot well. I drilled 130 wholes in belt cover from one end to the other. drilled all the wholes in the alum. between clutch and foot well bigger and added more wholes. 2 cool side vents on both sides. I also cut the vents open bigger right where your knees are if you were sitting on the sled.
so I have looked at all re gearing post. what gears should I think about putting in.
Now I am by far a clutching guy, (I mean I know nothing about it) I know how to change weights and springs but don't really know what springs does what and what helix does what. so any help on clutching would be great. any ideas will be very help ful.
thank you guys for your help.
I know that this subject has been a beaten horse but I need help and really don't like what my dealer has to say!
The melting stuff is not from clutch heat. Sounds like excessive pipe heat, probably not timing related, but could be raw fuel in the pipe that caught fire. Did it run well? Any trouble codes?
As far as clutching, the basic thing to understand is that the helix/spring needs to put enough pressure on the belt to keep it from slipping. The primary is rpm sensitive where the secondary is load sensitive. Clutch heat
is belt slippage. You should be able to touch and hold the clutch faces with a mechanix glove right after a climb.
I am having the best luck with straight angle helix on the DD secondary. Get all the basics done first. alignment , offset, deflection, venting,gearing and then work on the stock clutching.
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