I Use The Hot Air Elim, Cold Air Intake And Big Air Intake On All My Sleds 07 727 RMK, 08 D8, 09 D860, And The 2010 D8 I Only Have Part Way Done Now Becouse I'm Putting On The 15 Gal. Tank First When Thats Done Ill Move To The Engine.
So are the footwell vents worth it if you already have the SLP hot air eliminator kit? My '10 D8 hasn't arrived yet & I optioned for the right and left hot air eliminators but not the footwell vents. Wondering if I should have gotten the footwell vents too.
Of you put your hand next to the foot vents you wont feel a huge blast of air. I use smaller vents at work and can put way more airflow thru them than we use. If you want you can bend open the stock vents and still have the louvered affect. That will increase the opening by around 30-40 percent I would guesstamate.