Hi guys! I just got a invite to go out to West Yellowstone on thursday and I was wondering what is anyone doing for clutching. I have been struggling trying to figure this out at sea level and I cant imagine how tough it will be to get to work in elevation. I have a 08 Nytro with a MCX 270 kit. It has 16 lbs of boost here. I have the 14.5 rollers,8BU-00 weights,blue-brown-blue primary spring. Secondary has a Shockwave helix at 47 degrees, stock secondary spring. I am going to try to get a Acrtic Cat purple secondary spring at 100lbs but not sure if I can find one here in Fargo. I have looked at all the posts I could for info but it still sounds like belt heat could be a problem. I put in 20/40 gears. I have already toasted 1 secondary clutch and dont want to have problems again. I am going out with a bunch of Skidoo XP's and they are all thinking they are going to crush me after all the problems I have had so far. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for all the help!!!!!