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Who is into guns?

NPR: Trudeau orders an immediate freeze on the sale of handguns in Canada.
Oh damn I've missed this one. Canada is so doomed now...

In addition to a ban on handgun sales, it is also now forbidden to bring newly acquired handguns into Canada. The freeze is being met with elation from gun reform groups who welcomed the immediate action.

"Reducing the proliferation of handguns is one important example of the evidence-based measures Canada needs to reduce gun violence and save lives," Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns tweeted in response to the news.
Oh sheeesh, can't even bring any... So bad.
Your gonna have to work pretty hard to point out a GI that believes in enforcing gun rights but lookie here.

Since Tulsi changed sides do you think that has also changed ?
There use to be certain hunter safety courses for kids, ten commandments on how to handle a firearm and target competition.

Not against a kid learning, those aren't the ones to worry about but the little guy should of had safety gear on so someone who doesn't think it threw won't give thier kid shell shock.
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