..Plane ain't goin' nowhere.. You must have lift from, not air speed really, but from the movement of air under, & above the wings.. OK,, this is where it gets tricky. Yes, the engines ARE going to produce movement of air, but only through the intake to the turbines. This IS going to produce thrust, but the conveyor will compensate in a negative manner by accelerating the belt speed. Thus, no air transfer over the wings. Remember, the shape of the top of the wing is designed to cause a sort of vacum towards the tailing edge of the wing, producing lift from the top of the wing as much as the angle of the whole wing itself. Example: Yer suckin' through a straw, you's pulls up the liquid through the void in the straw...Movement of matter.. BUT, this movement doesn't cause the whole glass to jerk violently out of yer hands from the intake of the liquid through the straw!
End of story,,,now I can get back to the MAX thread where the really important chit is goin' on..