I was just down to Seattle, what a **** show that woke place is. What part of left do they not get?
There was so much in your face obvious BS that I tried not to see.
The airport is one of the biggest **** ups of airports. The lines threw security are insane.
I swear, I just looked over minding my own ****ing business and these two illegals get their asses hauled out of the front of the line because they have no ****ing clue what they are to do.
If you've ever been to the Seattle airport you'll know how insane that place is.
So security walks them out right back to their handlers , security walks away, handlers point them to another line.
One of the two ****s was wearing a Spidey man back pack, big fan I guess. Guessing somewhere in his 30s.
What was sad is that I looked around and no one else sees ****. Meanwhile my better half is trying to help security explain to an Asian that if they won't allow them to scan their **** they will have to get in line to be padded down.
People in charge can't fix ****, because this country is a ****ing clown show getting shot gunned down the toilet.