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Your thoughts on the invasion?

Another body was just pulled from the Rio Grande here in Eagle Pass this morning. Middle aged male.​



You don't think the Mexican rail, Ferromax, bought from Florida gets all the finger pointing now do you? Look at the date when CN joined, started in May.

Fact check pretty please before you repeat Trumps Propaganda

Oh, Mafesto. I think I just threw up a little. I put it in your Pres. thread, but I feel obligated to post it here too.

Time for a new rant...

So, a Caravan of "really bad people" some of whom are of middle eastern descent" according to the president (he was called out & admitted he had no evidence of this).

  • Last year ~300,000 people were apprehended at the southern border. Of those 300k, only 80 individuals were found to be of Middle eastern origins. That equates to 2 2/3 people out of 10,000 or 0.026%.
  • The total percent of middle eastern immigrants amounts to around 2.5% of our total annual immigration. Meaning if they're trying the southern border, they're doing it 100 times less successfully than any other means. There are already a lot more Muslims here than 3 out of 10,000 people. If you're so concerned about being overrun by muslims, maybe you should let more hispanics in. They're obviously trying a lot harder & generally speaking, share a lot more of your supposed values.
  • Most of the folks in this caravan are fleeing the rapists & gangs that Trump says are trying to get into our country.
  • Nearly all of the people in the caravan have no idea what the difference between the democrats & the republicans. This is not being orchestrated by the Left. This is happening because of a humanitarian crisis. That's what creates refugees.
  • The caravan is not looking to cross the border illegally. They want to apply for asylum in the United States. Not a crime. How & why did your ancestors (not to mention DJT's) come into the country?
  • Previous similar caravans (of around 5000) that started at the southern border of Mexico, usually result in about 1000-1500 actually reaching the southern US border. Which will not "overrun" the country. (See above - 300,000 apprehended last year - Meaning ~1,000 a day). It may create a slight surge for a day to a week. You want to see what it looks like to be overrun by refugees, go to any country bordering Syria.
What this whole thing boils down to is Trump trying to tap into the same irrational fears that got him elected in order to keep the republicans in power.

1 bad person is one too many !!!! When my ancestors came over the country was new and expaning into the west that was unpopulated. The borders needed to be shut off completely 40 years ago. If this would have been done we would not have creeps like you trying to turn this country into another communist regime. If you were here already 40 years ago at least you would not have the support you now have with the woke crowd wanting everything given them.
Would it be not a concern of the United States military leaders to protect our border?

Hold your horses, this administration isn't doing anything than moving forward on thier agenda. They are calling to arms another group of sheep.

Biden administration reverses course, clears way for new border wall by waiving environmental laws.

The key phrase you will be hearing the fake news spewing will be

waiving environmental laws.


Footage has been released of migrants at the Southern Border last night near El Paso​

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