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Your thoughts on the invasion?


Probably a lot safer also, workers on fishing boats that don't work hard enough accidentally fall off the boats..... so rumors say.

Title 42 is set to end, keep looking at the southern border.​

Even though some would say that was horrible to say I bet the truckers would agree that lost thier rights as a human being not to mention the beat down they took in Canada.

The citizens of every country that is a NATO member has been locked down, stole from and beaten. Does that not put the dots together or did we forget about ANTIFA and BLM or how about January 6th. How are those people doing?

All of these countries have been a part of a very aggressive war for the last THREE YEARS, all playing a different role because if the agenda would of been to obvious it would of ceased.

We are being replaced by third world countries because they no longer need the upper and middle class.

Explain this below without making up excuses.
What is considered upper class salary?
In 2021, the median household income is roughly $68,000. An upper class income is usually considered at least 50% higher than the median household income. Therefore, an upper class income in America is $100,000 and higher. However, an upper class income also depends on where you live.

31,400,000,000,000.00 :(:mad:? Ya, those people coming across the borders will pay that debt off, excuse me, are our politicians that ****ing stupid?

I've been saying this all along, everything has been taken away piece by piece. Not only has education been set back 40 years so has everything about our lives. Quit looking at the fake sparkly bling.

The dirty 30's ain't got **** on us except for the government causing that also.

Look closely,our own governments are blatantly killing the people.
They claim they are making 11,000 arrests this current time period, a day.

Out of that number
1000 from Africa, 85% are adult military men.

Been thinking about this complete insanity. At one time in history those that committed treason were SHOT.

What no one thinks about is the government is completely unhinged.

These borders, Who over sees these borders?

Federal ****ing contractors, every last dime, who controls the border? who protects the border? who's collapsed the border?

And I'm the bad guy for pointing that out because there's employees that are thrown in your face that could loose their jobs.

One big ****ing money grab while they are destroying this country with illegal immigrants that don't even know how to flush a damn toilet.

It's so easy, no matter what truth is said your a horrible person and no one is taking the next step.

How about citizens arrest,nahhh, we're to ****ing stupid to actually stand our ground.
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This mess just keeps getting worse. Mark my words.... This will be the key ingredient (among many others concocted by this corrupt administration) in our undoing.

Our ancestors arrived here yearning to earn a living and learn our culture. They were tested for communicable diseases like tuberculosis etc.
It was a mutually beneficial arrangement. It should still be mutually beneficial. What I am saying is that if you will not make USA a better place, you are not welcome here.

Furthermore, the cost of incarcerated illegals should be shouldered by labor camps. Prison in a foreign country should be a literal Hell on earth.

This is a fouled up mess that nobody seems intent on addressing. I see it as the single most threat to our future. To our descendant's future.
Words don't mean **** to these evil bitches, nothing but lies.

They signed an agreement to improve immigration for God's sake, in what February?
O lookie, what's in fentanyl.

So if this xylazine causes flesh rotting what do you think it might be doing to animals being sedated for surgery?

Think about it
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