anyone a wizard on you tube? how do you download a video? jim phelan(thunderstruck) made me a infomercial for my sledecks, and i cant make it upload--what kind of file does it ned to be?
Comment: I'd change the text color, or highlight the text with a semitransparent inverted color. It's hard to read (at YouTube resolution), and it isn't up long enough for us slow readers. Nice to see your assembly. You could have shown the deck being loaded into the truck, and how it was anchored down. Good demo of one man (and a dog) installing the ramp. I'd like to see that width extension a little better. What about sleds without reverse? Overall a good company video. Later Wade
i kinda gave jim free reins, and this is what he came up with--its made to be played at a dealership on constant loop--i thought it looked good--better than i could've done--lol