That is, what do you do when you see a man on the corner who is dirty, stinky and holding a card board sign? Or what do we as a "christian" nation do?
I'm not saying the founding fathers weren't basing things off the Gospel, I'm just saying what does Rush do when he see's that stuff.
X, I've seen you comment about this subject before, and it sounds like something that really bugs you. What do you as an individual do for that guy holding the sign? (I'm not saying you don't, I'm just curious what you do do)
The Gospel is lived out through individuals as each of us will stand before God and given an account for our choices. (IOW, governments will not be accountable to God, individuals are.) I know you work in your church with youth, so you'll be familiar with Romans 14:12 "So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God."
Rush gives hundreds of thousands of dollars to charities, but he does not advertise it. It's churches who have soup kitchens and food pantries and outreaches like Outreach Gospel Mission and Union Gospel Mission (this is the Twin Cities chapter) who help homeless, but they also make sure they are not "enabling" people who just want a free ride and aren't willing to make an effort. Every church I've been involved with reaches out to the less fortunate with money and action.
A few weeks ago, a single black mom with two kids in our neighborhood had a dire situation where her home was going to be shut down by the Health Dept and people from our church went over and helped her clean it up and provided for her. These are not isolated examples, so I'm wondering if you are seeing a lack of this where you live, or where are you getting the idea that Christians are NOT helping?
Or did I misunderstand what you were saying?
Maybe you need to move out to the Northwest Man! Better sledding too!