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yee haa boys another POLARIS RECALL

If you were in Premium mode and had E10 in the tank, denied.
You and I have no control over what comes out of the pump at the station.
So that begs the question, at what percentage eth content do they blame the fuel? 5% 1% 0.1%? Like you said I can’t control what comes out of the pump. So maybe I got an ever so slightly contaminated blend, say 0.1%, are they gonna deny for that? If the fuel is only 90.9 octane is that grounds for deny? Some slightly old fuel that has lost some of its light ends? How about the flip side? Now that they want e10 used to prevent catastrophe, what if the fuel truck dumped non eth in the e10 tank and my tank blows up? I can’t control what comes out of the pump. I just think that’s silly, but not surprising.
Full disclosure, I don’t use station fuel in my machines, for the exact reason I don’t trust it. I have a bulk tank at the shop that is properly tested and stored, so I don’t have a dog in the fight. If one let’s go I’m not about to call Polaris anyways. Just thought it was an interesting stance by Polaris.
Just got another recall email from POO. Its involving the tank yet again. This time they are telling us to run S#$tty ethanol fuel until they have a new permanent fix for the electrostatic discharge issue again.

View attachment 416278

So they're telling you to use ethanol fuel that will cause max det and blow through plugs on the 9r and boost.
i still want to know how E10 is less flammable than clear??

also, all the stations around here have a single nozzle for all the different octanes. I have heard there can be up to a gallon or more of fuel in the pump/lines. if so, who knows what octane we are getting until the 91 starts flowing. the clear gas pump has a dedicated nozzle
Ethanol is less evaporative, so less likely to have fumes explode.
Yep same truck. The difference is I can test the fuel for eth content, water, and if I feel spunky specific gravity one time and feel pretty good about my bulk amount. If I really felt like it the local refinery will even test a sample for me to verify octane. I’m not trying to ruffle feathers, just saying what works for me. I have a strong feeling against crummy fuel, and I feel having bulk fuel at my place gives me a more reliable fuel source. Nothing like putting crappy fuel in a lowboy or cat pony motor and have it give me problems when I least need them. As a bonus I don’t have to deal with the fuel station.
Yep same truck. The difference is I can test the fuel for eth content, water, and if I feel spunky specific gravity one time and feel pretty good about my bulk amount. If I really felt like it the local refinery will even test a sample for me to verify octane. I’m not trying to ruffle feathers, just saying what works for me. I have a strong feeling against crummy fuel, and I feel having bulk fuel at my place gives me a more reliable fuel source. Nothing like putting crappy fuel in a lowboy or cat pony motor and have it give me problems when I least need them. As a bonus I don’t have to deal with the fuel station.
Lie to girls not your friends...
2 things. First, Polaris is a publicly traded company. They got a building full of lawyers paid to mediate risk. It’s the world we live in.
Second, my sled fuel comes out of cans I fill at the local station with 91 non. I have one specific can that fills the mower, snowblower, etc. I fill that can first so if there is any ethanol in the hose it goes into that can. Probably not that effective, but it makes me feel better.
Why would you be okay putting Chilly’s life at risk?
You clearly didn’t read the screenshots that I posted because if you did, you’d see that I have taken care of the “safety” issues with the fuel system. The sticker is not going to make my “POS” s**d safer. The stupid brake recall is not gonna put Chillys beloved life in danger, nor are any of the other recalls.
You clearly didn’t read the screenshots that I posted because if you did, you’d see that I have taken care of the “safety” issues with the fuel system. The sticker is not going to make my “POS” s**d safer. The stupid brake recall is not gonna put Chillys beloved life in danger, nor are any of the other recalls.

Inhale, exhale, and repeat. Relax, I’m now releasing the hook and you can swim away.
Your best bet is to pump two gallons into the garbage can before you fill.
And flick your cigarette butt into it as you drive off!

With regard to having a trace of ethanol in the gas, it's probably going to happen if you're filling from a pump that dispenses E10 and ethanol-free from the same hose. I'd guess there's a half gallon to a gallon in that hose? But worst case, you're talking about a percent or two; bring your lawn mower can if you're worried about it. It's hard to see Polaris using this as a basis for denying warranty claims - I think there are too many ifs that would be hard to prove for this to bite more than the odd guy or two - but going back to when it was the other way around, I'd bet a good lawyer could make them pay unless they could prove it was more or less E10.

Now they have an even more difficult case, because they originally told you to run eth-free, and other than catching fire, they have no argument for why that's worse. Maybe they have a case if they can prove you were running E10 in premium mode is all. Ultimately, my hope is this is just CYA for the one dumb@$$ who sparks a fire and they won't bat an eye at anyone who continues to run premium. Time will tell.
And flick your cigarette butt into it as you drive off!

With regard to having a trace of ethanol in the gas, it's probably going to happen if you're filling from a pump that dispenses E10 and ethanol-free from the same hose. I'd guess there's a half gallon to a gallon in that hose? But worst case, you're talking about a percent or two; bring your lawn mower can if you're worried about it. It's hard to see Polaris using this as a basis for denying warranty claims - I think there are too many ifs that would be hard to prove for this to bite more than the odd guy or two - but going back to when it was the other way around, I'd bet a good lawyer could make them pay unless they could prove it was more or less E10.

Now they have an even more difficult case, because they originally told you to run eth-free, and other than catching fire, they have no argument for why that's worse. Maybe they have a case if they can prove you were running E10 in premium mode is all. Ultimately, my hope is this is just CYA for the one dumb@$$ who sparks a fire and they won't bat an eye at anyone who continues to run premium. Time will tell.
Totally, I get ethanol free fuel from the co-op here that only sells ethanol free fuel, and I would agree. It’s the only way you’re going to guarantee that you have only ethanol free fuel going into your sled. Now that’s not a guarantee because what if the truck it up accidentally put in E 10?

Likely not gonna happen, but there are no guarantees in life, except death and taxes oh, and that Polaris will probably have another recall.😂😂
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