I would not reccomend the wide board kit. Part of what makes a pro not get stuck and easier to get unstuck is the fact it is so narrow. I ran the wrp wide board kit on my '09 Assault. That was my first experience with aftermarket boards. Yes they were stiffer but I was looking for better snow cleanout and more standing room. This didn't work well for my riding style though. I like to sidehill, alot! Turns out the back of the running board being wider causes the *** end to drop out much easier because you basically roll over onto the board, unweight the track the sled turns uphill and you get stuck. The WRP is a good product, just didn't fit my style.
This year I put on better board inserts on the '11 assault. In no way would I recommend putting wideboards on a pro.
After writing all this, are you sure they even make a wideboard kit for the PRO? I can't imagine they do.