I understand you can deflate the bag. I do have the ABS Bag. But lets say you have an extra cartridge and handle between friends. If I just deployed a bag which just set off all 4 bags in the group, wouldn't we all need to carry an extra handle and cartridge for each person? I think that is a good idea anyway but a lot of people don't have packs big enough to carry that plus their survival gear they need. All I am saying is it is a great idea concept but in my opinion I would like the option of being able to set off someone else's bag without mine going off as well. If it is sending a wireless signal, why could that not be a possibility?
Its just that even if it is time to return and go home for the day. That avalanche may have happened 20 miles from the truck and we may have to cross a dozen or more avalanche paths to get back to the truck and i just don't want to deploy my pack if it is unnecessary.