If you are a premium member and are using the SnoTel feature, that WILL CAUSE a pause during the initial loading of the forums page while we go to the SnoTel sites you have requested and download your data to be displayed.
We are currently working on a caching system to try and harvest ALL of the SnoTel data and store it locally on our servers to reduce that loading time.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk 2 pro.
If you are a premium member and are using the SnoTel feature, that WILL CAUSE a pause during the initial loading of the forums page while we go to the SnoTel sites you have requested and download your data to be displayed.
We are currently working on a caching system to try and harvest ALL of the SnoTel data and store it locally on our servers to reduce that loading time.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk 2 pro.