I can NOT stand a bulky glove so I only use race gloves which give a better drip to the bar, more comfortable, easier to work on stuff with, but are inherently cold and can get soaking wet easy.
I have a set of castle/FXR gloves that I LOVE. When the get frozen solid (my hands still are fairly warm even when there is ice forming on them) I switch to my ironclad work gloves. I also carry some POS skidoo gloves that were like $12 but they are warm and fluffy and good for the ride home but would never wear for aggressive riding.
I also ride with out bar warmers. IF anyone likes wearing light gloves and doesn’t like to have freezing hands, get your self a set of hand guards. I thought they were for looks and I bought the ones on my sled for roost/tree protection but I can not believe how much warmer my hands stay with them. The really do help.
I prefer the RSI set up, they look trick, and really help!