In the 3 yrs i've been looking at SW for snow conditions, I've never seen the BigHorns thread so trashed.
Due to my geographic location, i have to travel 10+hrs to ride mnts. I have always had great respect for the Big Horns group that would give good honest snow reports.
I would list names and thank you all, but I'm sure I would forget or miss someone worth mentioning, so I'll leave names out.
But you guys/gals know who you are, and THANK YOU!!
But now the thread has been trashed, and I'm sure there are a few that are quite proud of their accomplishments, and why not?
They've taking an interesting, even valuable thread, and completely trashed it.
Whenever someone makes a suggestion about keeping it on track, they blow up belittle them. What kind of fellow sledder does this?
Way to go boys, while your laughing and having a good time trashing the thread, the rest of the people watching Wy on SW are seeing what you're true colors are.
Go ahead, trash me now, my rep can take it. Call your wambulance, i can take it.
But will you do me a favor? Maybe while you are down there, you could grab a broom and sweep up a little?
The house has gotten dirty and could use a cleaning!
Due to my geographic location, i have to travel 10+hrs to ride mnts. I have always had great respect for the Big Horns group that would give good honest snow reports.
I would list names and thank you all, but I'm sure I would forget or miss someone worth mentioning, so I'll leave names out.
But you guys/gals know who you are, and THANK YOU!!
But now the thread has been trashed, and I'm sure there are a few that are quite proud of their accomplishments, and why not?
They've taking an interesting, even valuable thread, and completely trashed it.
Whenever someone makes a suggestion about keeping it on track, they blow up belittle them. What kind of fellow sledder does this?
Way to go boys, while your laughing and having a good time trashing the thread, the rest of the people watching Wy on SW are seeing what you're true colors are.
Go ahead, trash me now, my rep can take it. Call your wambulance, i can take it.
But will you do me a favor? Maybe while you are down there, you could grab a broom and sweep up a little?
The house has gotten dirty and could use a cleaning!