I've been riding in the Boulder White Clouds and the Baker Creek Area (opposite side of the Wood River drainage) in the summer and winter since the early 70s. In those years, They closed all the single track trails on the Baker side to everything but hikers, horses and bicycles. The only thing left open is the main road up Baker Creek and the East Fk of Baker creek. Those trails were a great loss as they intersected other trails in other drainages and mountain ranges. I was up there last weekend and those trails look just the same for wear and tear as they did back when the motorcycles were legal to ride them.
There's a combo snowmobile/cross country ski trail that runs between Baker Creek and Boulder Creek to access Boulder from the Baker Creek parking area. They've made sure they closed off enough of those trails in the summer and posted every little bit along the highway for no motorized vehicles to make dang sure you cant ride from the parking area to access Boulder legally.
Last weekend I rode into Boulder with a group of retired guys from our local area, the youngest of them being 70 years young. These guys go somewhere almost every week to ride and Boulder is one of their favorite places. These people likely will never be able to enjoy this area again as they don't have the physical health to hike in. In all my years I've never seen a hiker, horse or bicycle in Boulder City likely because of the harsh rocky terrain getting in there.
For those that have been there, they know there's all kinds of mining remnants left there, the hills are dotted with old mine shafts and all the roads/trails are 99% rock. There's nothing there to hurt and not enough access off the trail to bother what little wild life is there.
Then a few years later, they took away all our snowmobiling from Baker Creek and the Boulder foot hills, north to Galina summit for the cross country skiers. That left us Snowmobilers with a very small percentage of area left to access the back country. The crosscountry skiers all ski the bottom of the drainages where its relatively flat and the snowmobilers basically used the drainages as access to the high country. Theres plenty of room for both especially when the snowmobiles are being ridden where the skiers won't go anyway. The skiers used to go up Boulder canyon till it started getting steep then would turn around and go back down. None would ever go in that far unless they had a snowmobile track to ski in. Most of the skiers over the years thanked us for the track when we seen them. About 10 years ago, we came across some guys on snow shoes that had hiked in the day before and camped. We visited for a bit and they commented they were glad to see us as they were really struggling to walk and happy to have the snowmobile tracks to hike down in. This was the only time in my life I ever saw anyone in there that wasn't on a snowmobile.
As for wild life, once in a while you would see a goat up on the ridges and as anyone that's been there knows, the country is too rugged to get even remotely close enough to bother them.
At the end of the day, there is nothing about this Wilderness Bill that will benefit what a so called Wilderness is for. All you have is a select group of Libtards that want to control and close something that 99% of them are too lazy to hike into anyway.
This is a sad deal for all Americans.