It was rough coming down late New Years Eve...boinga boinga boinga. Knees and quads on fire. Destroyed two gay XP bags and tossed XP fuel can twice. Lost two XP skid plates...and that was going slow! I hurt so bad at the bottom and when my buddies did not come down (coolant loss but they could have been dead or dying) and my old bod stewed and stewed about going back up. Torture! Finally started to unload the sled and head back up (Ibuprofen kicked in) when they showed. They had to collect gear over 2 miles from their bags coming apart and dig a 5' hole to find water to refill the coolant. Sure glad I did not have to bounce back up there.
We need to get the secret trail up and running for back up.
We need to get the secret trail up and running for back up.