"The pertinent point in this whole article is that in January 2007 oil was 50.00 a barrel. If you recall that was when Nancy Pelosi and Harry Ried and their socialist friends took over and all our problems were solved. You know the rest of the story to quote Paul Harvey. It has all been downhill since then, of course it's all George Bush's fault."
If you're going to point fingers at least give some plausible explanation. You're own revered Republican party has said the Dems haven't acomplished $hit (without noting that the few things that they have tried to accomplish have been shot down by the Rep minority). So explain to me how these do nothing Dems have nearly tripled the price of crude in less than 18 mos while sitting on their asses.
Believe me I don't revere either party and for the last 20 years or so neither party did one damn thing to help our energy policy. It's just that Pelosi and Ried made all those promises in 2006. I suppose no one is pointing fingers a energy companies. I work with both oil and nuclear people and believe me they are out there in the field trying and that is more than congress is doing at this point. Having run my own business I am just on the side of private enterprise and it's taking a beating these days.