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What's Really Driving The High Price Of Oil?

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Snow Fox

What's Really Driving the High Price of Oil?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

What factors are causing the zooming price of crude oil, gasoline and heating products? What is going to be done about it?

Don’t rely on the White House—with Bush and Cheney marinated in oil—or the Congress—which has hearings that grill oil executives who know that nothing is going to happen on Capitol Hill either.

Last week the price of crude oil reached about $130 a barrel after spiking to $140 briefly. The immediate cause? Guesses by oil man T. Boone Pickens and Goldman Sachs that the price could go to $150 and $200 a barrel respectivly in the near future. They were referring to what can be called the hoopla pricing party on the New York Mercantile Exchange. (NYMEX)

(Article continues below)

Meanwhile, consumers, workers and small businesses are suffering with the price of gasoline at $4 a gallon and diesel at $4.50 a gallon. Suffering but not protesting, except for a few demonstrations by independent truckers.

A consumer and small business revolt could be politically powerful. But what would they revolt to achieve? Their government is paralyzed and is unable to indicate any action if oil goes up to $200 or $400 a barrel. Washington, D.C. is leaving people defenseless and drawing no marker for when it will take action.

Oil was at $50 a barrel in January 2007, then $75 a barrel in August 2007. Now at $130 or so a barrel, it is clear that oil pricing is speculative activity, having very little to do with physical supply and demand. An essential product—petroleum—is set by speculators operating on rumor, greed, and fear of wild predictions.

Over the time since early 2007, U.S. demand for petroleum has fallen by 1 percent and world demand has risen by 1.3 percent. Supplies of crude are so plentiful, according to the Wall Street Journal, “traders of physical crude oil say their market is suffering from too much supply, not too little.”

Iran, for instance, is storing 25 million barrels of heavy, sour crude oil because, in the words of Hossein Kazempour Ardebili, Iran’s oil governor, “there are simply no buyers because the market has more than enough oil.”

Mike Wittner, head of oil research at Societe Generale in London agrees. “There’s various signals out there saying for right now, the markets are well supplied with crude.”

Historically, oil has been afflicted with the control of monopolists. From the late nineteenth century days of John D. Rockefeller, and his Standard Oil monopoly, to the emergence of the “Seven Sisters” oligopoly, made up of Standard Oil, Shell, BP, Texaco, Mobil, Gulf and Socal, to the rise of OPEC representing the major producing countries, the “free market” price of oil has been a mirage. Despite the breakup of the Standard Oil company by the government’s trustbusters about 100 years ago, selling cartels and buying oligopolies kept reasserting themselves.

In an ironic twist, the major price determinant has moved from OPEC (having only 40% of the world production) and the oil companies to the speculators in the commodities markets. What goes on in the essentially unregulated New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX)—without Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) enforced margin requirements, and, unlike your personal purchases, untaxed—is now the place that leads to your skyrocketing gasoline bills. OPEC and the Big Oil companies reap the benefits and say that it’s not their doing, but that of the speculators. Gives new meaning to “passing the buck.”

Deborah Fineman, president of Mitchell Supreme Fuel Co. in Orange, New Jersey, summed up the scene: “Energy markets have been dictated for too long by hedge funds and speculators, who artificially manipulate the numbers for their own benefit. The current market isn’t based on the sound principles of supply and demand but it is being rigged by companies and speculators who are jacking up prices for their own greed.”

Harry C. Johnson, former banker who worked for many years inside Big Oil and ran his own small oil company in Oklahoma, blames the CFTC, the Department of Energy, the Administration, and Congress, as “asleep at the switch on an issue that is probably costing U.S. consumers $1 billion per day.”

He cites “some industry experts, who profit greatly from the high price of crude, and have stated openly that the worldwide economic price of crude, absent speculators, would be around $50 to $60 per barrel.

Imagine, our government is letting your price for gasoline and home heating oil be determined by a gambling casino on Wall Street called NYMEX. The people need regulatory protection from speculators and an excess profits tax on Big Oil.

In addition, a sane government would see the present price crises as an opportunity to expand our passenger and freight railroad capacity and technology.

A sane government would drop all subsidies and tax loopholes for Big Oil’s huge profits and other fossil fuels and promote a national mission to solarize our economy to achieve major savings from energy conservation technology, retrofitting buildings, and upgrading efficiency standards for motor vehicles, home appliances, industrial engines and electric generating plants.

Those are the permanent ways to achieve energy independence, reduce our trade deficit, create good jobs that can’t be exported and protect the environmental health of people and nature.

Those are the reforms and advances that a muscular consumer, worker and small business revolt can focus on in the coming weeks.

What say you, America?
What's Really Driving the High Price of Oil?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

What factors are causing the zooming price of crude oil, gasoline and heating products? What is going to be done about it?

Don’t rely on the White House—with Bush and Cheney marinated in oil—or the Congress—which has hearings that grill oil executives who know that nothing is going to happen on Capitol Hill either.

Last week the price of crude oil reached about $130 a barrel after spiking to $140 briefly. The immediate cause? Guesses by oil man T. Boone Pickens and Goldman Sachs that the price could go to $150 and $200 a barrel respectivly in the near future. They were referring to what can be called the hoopla pricing party on the New York Mercantile Exchange. (NYMEX)

(Article continues below)

Meanwhile, consumers, workers and small businesses are suffering with the price of gasoline at $4 a gallon and diesel at $4.50 a gallon. Suffering but not protesting, except for a few demonstrations by independent truckers.

A consumer and small business revolt could be politically powerful. But what would they revolt to achieve? Their government is paralyzed and is unable to indicate any action if oil goes up to $200 or $400 a barrel. Washington, D.C. is leaving people defenseless and drawing no marker for when it will take action.

Oil was at $50 a barrel in January 2007, then $75 a barrel in August 2007. Now at $130 or so a barrel, it is clear that oil pricing is speculative activity, having very little to do with physical supply and demand. An essential product—petroleum—is set by speculators operating on rumor, greed, and fear of wild predictions.

Over the time since early 2007, U.S. demand for petroleum has fallen by 1 percent and world demand has risen by 1.3 percent. Supplies of crude are so plentiful, according to the Wall Street Journal, “traders of physical crude oil say their market is suffering from too much supply, not too little.”

Iran, for instance, is storing 25 million barrels of heavy, sour crude oil because, in the words of Hossein Kazempour Ardebili, Iran’s oil governor, “there are simply no buyers because the market has more than enough oil.”

Mike Wittner, head of oil research at Societe Generale in London agrees. “There’s various signals out there saying for right now, the markets are well supplied with crude.”

Historically, oil has been afflicted with the control of monopolists. From the late nineteenth century days of John D. Rockefeller, and his Standard Oil monopoly, to the emergence of the “Seven Sisters” oligopoly, made up of Standard Oil, Shell, BP, Texaco, Mobil, Gulf and Socal, to the rise of OPEC representing the major producing countries, the “free market” price of oil has been a mirage. Despite the breakup of the Standard Oil company by the government’s trustbusters about 100 years ago, selling cartels and buying oligopolies kept reasserting themselves.

In an ironic twist, the major price determinant has moved from OPEC (having only 40% of the world production) and the oil companies to the speculators in the commodities markets. What goes on in the essentially unregulated New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX)—without Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) enforced margin requirements, and, unlike your personal purchases, untaxed—is now the place that leads to your skyrocketing gasoline bills. OPEC and the Big Oil companies reap the benefits and say that it’s not their doing, but that of the speculators. Gives new meaning to “passing the buck.”

Deborah Fineman, president of Mitchell Supreme Fuel Co. in Orange, New Jersey, summed up the scene: “Energy markets have been dictated for too long by hedge funds and speculators, who artificially manipulate the numbers for their own benefit. The current market isn’t based on the sound principles of supply and demand but it is being rigged by companies and speculators who are jacking up prices for their own greed.”

Harry C. Johnson, former banker who worked for many years inside Big Oil and ran his own small oil company in Oklahoma, blames the CFTC, the Department of Energy, the Administration, and Congress, as “asleep at the switch on an issue that is probably costing U.S. consumers $1 billion per day.”

He cites “some industry experts, who profit greatly from the high price of crude, and have stated openly that the worldwide economic price of crude, absent speculators, would be around $50 to $60 per barrel.

Imagine, our government is letting your price for gasoline and home heating oil be determined by a gambling casino on Wall Street called NYMEX. The people need regulatory protection from speculators and an excess profits tax on Big Oil.

In addition, a sane government would see the present price crises as an opportunity to expand our passenger and freight railroad capacity and technology.

A sane government would drop all subsidies and tax loopholes for Big Oil’s huge profits and other fossil fuels and promote a national mission to solarize our economy to achieve major savings from energy conservation technology, retrofitting buildings, and upgrading efficiency standards for motor vehicles, home appliances, industrial engines and electric generating plants.

Those are the permanent ways to achieve energy independence, reduce our trade deficit, create good jobs that can’t be exported and protect the environmental health of people and nature.

Those are the reforms and advances that a muscular consumer, worker and small business revolt can focus on in the coming weeks.

What say you, America?

The pertinent point in this whole article is that in January 2007 oil was 50.00 a barrel. If you recall that was when Nancy Pelosi and Harry Ried and their socialist friends took over and all our problems were solved. You know the rest of the story to quote Paul Harvey. It has all been downhill since then, of course it's all George Bush's fault.
I don't know, there are some points about the 'speculation' in that article, but based on previous offerings I've seen from Ralph Nader, I pretty well think that guy is as big of buffoon as Al Gore is.

Also, I question his sources for his claims that supply is exceeding demand. Every single JPT magazine I've read in the last 3 years has these numbers published about world supply and demand, and for the last year running world demand has exceeded the supply by ~1,000,000 BPD on average.
Every single JPT magazine I've read in the last 3 years has these numbers published about world supply and demand, and for the last year running world demand has exceeded the supply by ~1,000,000 BPD on average.

So tell me, who has money and isn't getting the oil they want? As far as I can tell, if you have money, you can buy all the oil you want.
If the US demand has gone down 1% and the world demand has gone up 1.3% in the past 2 years which is not speculation it is fact the current demand is only up .3%. If the supply 2 years ago was selling for $50.00 a barrell and you take that up .3% crude should currently be selling at $ 52.25.

This is not a supply and demand problem. I'm not agreeing with Ralph Nader, but I do believe the price is driven up by speculation. It's called greed and from what I can tell if you don't have any "greed" you better find a way to get some. All the money in the world will not insulate you from the short term affect (the next 5 years) of the problem is not corrected soon. Money and Real Estate won't be worth anything.
If the US demand has gone down 1% and the world demand has gone up 1.3% in the past 2 years which is not speculation it is fact the current demand is only up .3%. If the supply 2 years ago was selling for $50.00 a barrell and you take that up .3% crude should currently be selling at $ 52.25.

How did you come to the conclusion that it is a linear relationship?
"The pertinent point in this whole article is that in January 2007 oil was 50.00 a barrel. If you recall that was when Nancy Pelosi and Harry Ried and their socialist friends took over and all our problems were solved. You know the rest of the story to quote Paul Harvey. It has all been downhill since then, of course it's all George Bush's fault."

If you're going to point fingers at least give some plausible explanation. You're own revered Republican party has said the Dems haven't acomplished $hit (without noting that the few things that they have tried to accomplish have been shot down by the Rep minority). So explain to me how these do nothing Dems have nearly tripled the price of crude in less than 18 mos while sitting on their asses.
"The pertinent point in this whole article is that in January 2007 oil was 50.00 a barrel. If you recall that was when Nancy Pelosi and Harry Ried and their socialist friends took over and all our problems were solved. You know the rest of the story to quote Paul Harvey. It has all been downhill since then, of course it's all George Bush's fault."

If you're going to point fingers at least give some plausible explanation. You're own revered Republican party has said the Dems haven't acomplished $hit (without noting that the few things that they have tried to accomplish have been shot down by the Rep minority). So explain to me how these do nothing Dems have nearly tripled the price of crude in less than 18 mos while sitting on their asses.

I think he's being a bit sarcastic... point being, there is not real point. It's a blame game with no real victims, just lot's of people who aren't happy. Like Beels said in the other thread, none of us like paying the price....but a victim that does not make. So why blame??
If the US demand has gone down 1% and the world demand has gone up 1.3% in the past 2 years which is not speculation it is fact the current demand is only up .3%. If the supply 2 years ago was selling for $50.00 a barrell and you take that up .3% crude should currently be selling at $ 52.25.

How did you come to the conclusion that it is a linear relationship?

Beat me to it... I'm not understanding the relationship either.
Beat me to it... I'm not understanding the relationship either.

I think he was trying to make the case that when supply = demand (i.e. demand is 100% of supply) then a .3 % increase in demand should be proportionate. Either way if the relationship is linear or not, this isn't the case, Ralph's article is semi-correct IMO. The only thing I disagree with is who is doing the speculation. The stock exchange will get its info from the oil companies on the market volatility and this will drive the excitement. If the oil companies said "everythings OK" the market would be calmer, prices would be stable.

We saw the exact same thing happen in Calgary here through mid 2006 and into last year with housing - speculation by the home builders and the realtors that market supply was going to go down and prices were going to skyrocket prompted a glut of people to go out and buy houses which shorted the supply on the market and drove prices through the roof - who benefited the most? Builders and realtors..........

By saying their was going to be a shortage on the market, they created volatility and high demand for the supply they control and price. Similarity? or co-incidence?

just my $0.02
If the demand has remained the same world wide, the supply has increased, and the cost to produce has remained the same, why has the price almost tripled? It does not jive with the supply and demand studies I did in college. Of course that was a long time ago.
If the demand has remained the same world wide, the supply has increased, and the cost to produce has remained the same, why has the price almost tripled? It does not jive with the supply and demand studies I did in college. Of course that was a long time ago.

I don't believe that for a second.
I thought testimony given to congress by the oil tycoons a couple weeks ago stated that the cost to draw and refine crude has had little increase over the past 18 months??? Either way, I'm becoming more convinced everyday this is not a case of supply and demand.
Commodity traders....

There's some big money to be had, why should they pay the high price at the pump and not get something in return???? IF you got a couple hundred grand laying around, give it a try and see if the numbers work out for you. Can't beat 'em, join 'em.

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