I was discussing avalanche safety with my brother, he is also my main riding partner, we have beacons, probes, shovels, basically the bare minimum for mountain safety equiptment. While driving we were discussing how real of a threat avalanche danger is, and the answers I recieved sent a chill up my spine to be honest.
His view is that avalanche danger will always be in the back of his mind, but that we could get hit by a car crossing the street, so he is not going to let it worry him. Basically he feels that his gut should tell him if he is safe to climb or not, and that you can basically tell by taking a first run whether to stay off, and that if it has been climbed that day, or if its not a steep slop then it would be fine. He blames the media mostly for instilling fear in peoples minds, but figures when you compare the amount of sledders on a hill to the amount of avalanche victims its very small.
I just think he is not taking this as serious as it needs to be, dont let it ruin your day, but at the same time you need to be educated in my view, and stay away when its not safe. No matter the danger, if he gets buried I will try to rescue him no matter what, he is my brother after all, so this could very well become my problem, but I also have a young son to come home too. I know alot of his views directly contradict what they teach you, and what should be common knowledge, but I cannot drive home this point to him, nor the rest of our group, and I am the only one that seems to want to take avalanche courses. The biggest problem was for the past 22 years we have ridden in areas that are for the most part pretty safe, and have remained uneducated on the dangers out there, and I think this has given him a false sense of security that it will not happen to him, but we are riding in more extreme terrain with much more powerful sleds.
I know he says accidents will happen, but in my opinion there is a big difference between accidents, and preventable accidents. Am I overreacting? Have I read to many sad threads on snowest of tragedy? I don't see how I can deal with this other than to find another group to ride with, but thats really not the direction I would like to go. It truly breaks my heart to have family act this ignorant, I just dont know how to get through to him.
What do you guys think I should do?
His view is that avalanche danger will always be in the back of his mind, but that we could get hit by a car crossing the street, so he is not going to let it worry him. Basically he feels that his gut should tell him if he is safe to climb or not, and that you can basically tell by taking a first run whether to stay off, and that if it has been climbed that day, or if its not a steep slop then it would be fine. He blames the media mostly for instilling fear in peoples minds, but figures when you compare the amount of sledders on a hill to the amount of avalanche victims its very small.
I just think he is not taking this as serious as it needs to be, dont let it ruin your day, but at the same time you need to be educated in my view, and stay away when its not safe. No matter the danger, if he gets buried I will try to rescue him no matter what, he is my brother after all, so this could very well become my problem, but I also have a young son to come home too. I know alot of his views directly contradict what they teach you, and what should be common knowledge, but I cannot drive home this point to him, nor the rest of our group, and I am the only one that seems to want to take avalanche courses. The biggest problem was for the past 22 years we have ridden in areas that are for the most part pretty safe, and have remained uneducated on the dangers out there, and I think this has given him a false sense of security that it will not happen to him, but we are riding in more extreme terrain with much more powerful sleds.
I know he says accidents will happen, but in my opinion there is a big difference between accidents, and preventable accidents. Am I overreacting? Have I read to many sad threads on snowest of tragedy? I don't see how I can deal with this other than to find another group to ride with, but thats really not the direction I would like to go. It truly breaks my heart to have family act this ignorant, I just dont know how to get through to him.
What do you guys think I should do?