To fill in the background, my cousin mass emailed an Obama vs McCain deal out. No big deal, take it as you will, or so I figure. What follows is some guys response(he was kind enough to reply to all) and then my response to him and then his responce to me. My question is, what should I do...Let it go, respond nicely or mess with the guy. His name is Curt Novak, and he evidently thinks he's big time I'm hoping you guys can give me some ideas, or that my liberal leaning snowester Ruffy chimes in, or maybe the well spoken Wade. I'm guessing this guy will think I'm less of a citizen since I don't have anyone on speed dial, I do talk to interns and my activities to better the country are basic like raising kids who will be productive members of society.
Fine Brent, vote for McBush then pray Parker doesn't get shipped off to Iraq after high school.
Curt, Thank you so much for your worthwhile and intriguing additions to Brent's email. It is not only a questionable administration, but attitudes and knee jerk reactions such as yours that do nothing to better our situation. Well I have your attention I would also like to point out that no matter how you feel about Bush, we have no one but ourselves to blame. We elect OUR president as well as OUR congress, whose job it is to work for US and keep each other in check. Have you taken the time to contact your Congressmen and Senators to tell them how you feel?
Boxer, "Feindstien", Pelosi, Wexler, Kucinich, Dodd, Waxman, and probably a few more are on my cell phone speed dial. Moreover, several receive handsome political donations "if" they did the right thing. I've attend several demonstrations each year since '03. It aint like I'm some retiree that can afford to take off from work for days at a time to attend a rally, but I do anyway. What do I give up...... money from missing work and time with my family.
Their is no question about the administration. There are numerous illegal activities that have and continue to occur. One would simply need to review this weeks congressional record for a nice summary. Did Bush lie about a blow job? No, his lies resulted in 4000 american deaths and 80000 Iraqi deaths. I could go on for many pages.
Can Iraq be fixed? Nope. Can "we" utilize this failure in order to avoid similar failures such as possible war with Iran? Until we Americans say enough is enough, the status quo will continue.
Please enlighten me on what wonderful activites you have partaken in order to better our country? Call some congressional interns to take your message? Shoot out some sarcastic emails? Wow, times they are a changin. Good things are bound to happen now. You practice what you preach?
By the way, you dont understand what "knee jerk reaction" means. An example of a knee jerk reaction would have been to respond to your email with:
**** You!
Got your attention? Time to step out from behind your telephone and keyboard. Put the remote down, and take it to the street.
Fine Brent, vote for McBush then pray Parker doesn't get shipped off to Iraq after high school.
Curt, Thank you so much for your worthwhile and intriguing additions to Brent's email. It is not only a questionable administration, but attitudes and knee jerk reactions such as yours that do nothing to better our situation. Well I have your attention I would also like to point out that no matter how you feel about Bush, we have no one but ourselves to blame. We elect OUR president as well as OUR congress, whose job it is to work for US and keep each other in check. Have you taken the time to contact your Congressmen and Senators to tell them how you feel?
Boxer, "Feindstien", Pelosi, Wexler, Kucinich, Dodd, Waxman, and probably a few more are on my cell phone speed dial. Moreover, several receive handsome political donations "if" they did the right thing. I've attend several demonstrations each year since '03. It aint like I'm some retiree that can afford to take off from work for days at a time to attend a rally, but I do anyway. What do I give up...... money from missing work and time with my family.
Their is no question about the administration. There are numerous illegal activities that have and continue to occur. One would simply need to review this weeks congressional record for a nice summary. Did Bush lie about a blow job? No, his lies resulted in 4000 american deaths and 80000 Iraqi deaths. I could go on for many pages.
Can Iraq be fixed? Nope. Can "we" utilize this failure in order to avoid similar failures such as possible war with Iran? Until we Americans say enough is enough, the status quo will continue.
Please enlighten me on what wonderful activites you have partaken in order to better our country? Call some congressional interns to take your message? Shoot out some sarcastic emails? Wow, times they are a changin. Good things are bound to happen now. You practice what you preach?
By the way, you dont understand what "knee jerk reaction" means. An example of a knee jerk reaction would have been to respond to your email with:
**** You!
Got your attention? Time to step out from behind your telephone and keyboard. Put the remote down, and take it to the street.
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