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What mods you have done that you would do again?

Mar 15, 2018
First off I hope your son is ok! What did he do?
He is still sore (10 days) but will be OK. To make a short story long, we went for the first ride of the season. As usual, when we planned the trip (4 days earlier) the forecast was for clear and sunny. as those four days went by the forecast turned to "snow". Got to the parking lot and it was snowing lightly, windy and, of course flat light. Went up the trail to find that the snow was, for the most part the $hits. Wind packed as well as tracked up pretty bad. We left the trail to try to find some riding and came to the edge of a drainage. Billy went down into the drainage but the snow was wind blown stiff. I followed him down thinking we would go up the drainage and see what we might find. Got to the bottom to discuss a plan but we decided that we would just climb back out and look elsewhere. Billy turned and went back the way we had come and when I turned, I broke through the stiff layer and into sugar show and got stuck. As I was digging myself out, Bily came back to the top of the drainage looking for me, then came down to help out. Got my sled out then we decided rather than go back up the side that we would follow the drainage down as Billy was sure that it went to the trail then we could just follow the trail further in to look for better snow. He was facing the wrong way so he said that he would just go up the drainage a bit and turn around. He went maybe 100 feet and around a finger that was jutting out in to the drainage, heard his sled make the turn (he has an obnoxious can on his Assault) then everything went quiet. I assumed that he rolled or something so I waited to hear him fire back up. After a minute or two of silence, I decide to walk the 15-20 feet so I could see past the finger and saw his sled on its side and it LOOKED like he was trying to push it back on the skis but the chassis was to the downhill side and it would not have taken much to push it over so somthing was wrong. I walked up to find him on the other side of the sled on his knees gasping for breath. He had the wind knocked out of him. What had happened was where he was going to make his his turn, there was a cutout in the side of the drainage where the drainage wall was vertical with a small depression like trench at the bottom. In the flat light he didn't see this and when he went to go up the side of the drainage a bit he hit the vertical wall at an angle, the sled went straight up and bucked him off, he fell down into the depression on his back, then the sled fell over backwards onto him. Handlebars caught him across the chest. We figured that the the drop from were the bars were when the sled came over to where they hit him was about a 12-15' drop. Bent his bars, broke the windshield and broke the surround for his gauge. Both thighs got hammered (though we are not sure from what part of the sled) and his ribs took a beating but don't think any were broke, just bruised or maybe cracked. We went to a sheltered spot (from the wind) and had a bite while assessing his condition for the ride out.
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Sep 1, 2012
Anybody with the post forward do it on a NA with the lightweight hood? Wondering if I have to cut into the air box, or if there is room for it.

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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2020
Bremerton, WA
Anybody with the post forward do it on a NA with the lightweight hood? Wondering if I have to cut into the air box, or if there is room for it.

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He has a video out showing how to do it without cutting air box. He uses a heat gun and a piece of pipe to reform the air box. I think it works on N/A one piece and multi piece hoods.

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