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What Makes the 800 down on Power? (lots of 2 stroke info)

LOL..you arnt looking back far enough..you need to go back to the late 50's early 60's.. that's where the Hemi first became popular for top fuel....

Lol, I know when they came about. I am a die hard Mopar guy and did my senior research paper on the Hemi. I don't disagree with your statement of the larger component size, or the added expense and design complications with a Hemi. My agreement strays when you say a wedge makes more power than a Hemi. Air/fuel effieciently in, burned effectively, and efficiently out is how you make power, everyone knows that. A Hemi does that, intake ports are straight in, exhaust ports are straight out. You can't get straight in, straight out from a wedge. By design all things equal, a wedge cannot flow as efficiently as a Hemi.

Everyone knows your both wrong. The 1100t with evo stuff makes more power than any top fuel engine.
LOL..they just might snomow. But I have yet to see anything more impressive then standing between 2 topfuelers on the starting line at a NHRA race(course I bet standing next to a Airforce fighter on a carrier catapult is BA)..of course first time I saw a turbo yammy whack a good climb was BA as well..horsepower is just BA where ever you find it...
My first time attending a top fuel drag race is still one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Nothing else like it.
My first time attending a top fuel drag race is still one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Nothing else like it.
I don't know, I was out on the local Air Force base's runway here a few years ago for work the day they got the new F-22's in..they had all the fighters going up...that was the baddest thing I have seen yet in my life(of course most of that was just out right pride for our fighting boys..but the planes..yeah..BA to the bone). But pure physical in your face HP..between two top fuelers launching..
Well, this may just be speculation but I don't think it would be cooler since the exhaust side would be hotter already, and now by the design you gave as example the exhaust side would have less incoming air charge soaking some of the heat beacause of the larger squish area on that side, thereby even potentially causing a hot spot for meltdown or detonation. Now to answer your question about shorter rods, sure if your goal was faster revving and more horsepower it would work great, if you are willing to sacrifice torque. Not sure where that was going.............................

There is also no explosion on that side...and for the rods thing...i was trying to be like you...sorry you couldnt under stand...i can no longer read any posts so count me out of this thread l
I stopped reading the posts a while back....But had a thought tonight... I'll wager a bet that the Polaris Ind. folks that are reading this feel like they are reading the sledding version of "Jersey Shore"... Life is good... ride em like a rented mule...

I stopped reading the posts a while back....But had a thought tonight... I'll wager a bet that the Polaris Ind. folks that are reading this feel like they are reading the sledding version of "Jersey Shore"... Life is good... ride em like a rented mule...

screw Polaris..they could dominate the sport but for there total lack of quality control..they are lucky we consumers are to stupid to use our wallets to show our displeasure.......
I agree Mike... The design is good... the follow through is the weak point.
its not the follow thru Eric..its the people..all Engineers hired should be required to spend 2 years working at dealerships on product before they are allowed to design anything...engineers have 4 yrs of book learning but no practical common sense or real word experience..meaning they use theory vrs proveable fact in design...
I've gotten to know quite a few of the engineers... most of them do have extensive field experience....

I know where you are coming from, and the PRO RMK is not the result of simple "pencil pushing design nerds" fresh out of MIT.

I have lots of respect for you Mike, I think you know that..... AND your contributions to the forum... so I hope this comes off the right way.

Kind of confused though... you said above it was lack of quality control... which to me is follow though on executing a design... where are we drifting apart?


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I've gotten to know quite a few of the engineers... most of them do have extensive field experience....

I know where you are coming from, and the PRO RMK is not the result of simple "pencil pushing design nerds" fresh out of MIT.

I have lots of respect for you Mike, I think you know that..... AND your contributions to the forum... so I hope this comes off the right way.

Kind of confused though... you said above it was lack of quality control... which to me is follow though on executing a design... where are we drifting apart?


Maybe Eric, you can get them all togeather and come on snowest for a special little chat with owners..quite sure many owners here would enjoy having a talk with them on some of their "well thought out engineering". (engines, driveshafts, a-arms). I too have great respect for you Eric.. but no one can deny that there are engineering related failures that can/could be avoided in the pro.
There is also no explosion on that side...and for the rods thing...i was trying to be like you...sorry you couldnt under stand...i can no longer read any posts so count me out of this thread l

Maybe you'll join up so you can read the rest of this.

No explosion on that side, really??? Is there some magic invisible wall blocking the mixed air/fuel from being in the squish area of that side, or does the piston just come up and gently kiss the head on that side completely blocking any mixed air/fuel from being in there??? Regardless, since you have all the answers I'm not sure why you even started this thread, you should have just called up Polaris and told them that you can single handidly solve all their power problems!!!! I've never understood why people start threads looking for help or advise or opinions or info, then they pi$$ all over anyone that puts in their $0.02 ??? Take it for what it is, if you don't like it move on to the next post :argue:

Anyways, I'm done with this thread. Peace out dude!! :face-icon-small-hap

P.S. Are you related to Ruffryder???
LOL..they just might snomow. But I have yet to see anything more impressive then standing between 2 topfuelers on the starting line at a NHRA race(course I bet standing next to a Airforce fighter on a carrier catapult is BA)..of course first time I saw a turbo yammy whack a good climb was BA as well..horsepower is just BA where ever you find it...

You won't see any Air Force jets on a carrier. Their landing gear would snap like twigs trying to land on a carrier. Watching an F/A-18 take off then go vertical in afterburner at sunset is a freakin awesome sight!
You won't see any Air Force jets on a carrier. Their landing gear would snap like twigs trying to land on a carrier. Watching an F/A-18 take off then go vertical in afterburner at sunset is a freakin awesome sight!
yeah and I even knew that ski..Duh, sometimes I am a dummy..but I would love to see it..couldn't imagine how cool that would be...
I spent 4 years in the Navy and never got to see a cat launch, in fact in 4 years I never stepped foot on a boat. Spent 3 years in the desert.
The engineers working on the 800/600 are seasoned. The young engineers focus on the new/growing products (Indian/RZR).

The investment is in the new and growing growing products.
Glad to hear they do care and are great at what they do , but if that's the case, then why in all this time(08 CFI 800 till 2014cfi 800) haven't they definitively fixed the motor issues?A couple tweeks to at least bring the reliability in line would be a huge money maker for Polaris and if they added just equal power output with that reliability they would own the industry...
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