If I thought it was going to stir the pot ID kept the pics to myself its the same as fishing you find a honey hole you tell no one have I told anyone no I have not.Oh and by the way I was there last year and have hunted the area for 10yrs. I have never gone in the way we went and last year it was spring cond. so it looked different a friend brought that to my attention.I guess I wont bother posting unless its the towers or is that a secret too.Idle down chainsaw.If you look under topic it says RIDING AREA
If I thought it was going to stir the pot ID kept the pics to myself its the same as fishing you find a honey hole you tell no one have I told anyone no I have not.Oh and by the way I was there last year and have hunted the area for 10yrs. I have never gone in the way we went and last year it was spring cond. so it looked different a friend brought that to my attention.I guess I wont bother posting unless its the towers or is that a secret too.Idle down chainsaw.If you look under topic it says RIDING AREA