Maybe this is old news to Bacon people, maybe it's not.
Oven Bacon.
For convenience, we normally cook delicious bacon in the microwave, and it turns out delicious.
To up the bacon game, cook it in the oven.
It takes good bacon to great bacon, and great bacon to excellent bacon, and so on....
The basic recipe is:
Preheat the oven to 400.
Use a cookie sheet (not flat, but with shallow sides) and cover the bottom with foil.
Put as many pieces on the foil as you want.
Cook at 400 degrees for 20 minutes, maybe longer if you have thicker slices, or longer if you like super crispy.
Do not flip, do not cover, hands off, 20 minutes after preheating.
Completely repeatable and hands off results, great for larger gatherings too.
Less shrinkage, more excellent flavor, and bacon grease to cook other things with if that's appealing to you.
It also frees up attention to cook other items for breakfast to complement the bacon.
Google "oven bacon" if you don't wanna take my word on it. I got the recipe from my Aunt just a few years ago and was totally surprised with the results, as I hadn't heard of it before.