I want to thank you for all the volunteer time you put in. One of the stories I grew up on was "The Little Red Hen" about the hen who goes thru the process of making and baking bread, all the while asking for help from the other farm animals, but no one wants to help. But when she asks who wants to help her eat the bread, they all of course want to eat it. That story has impacted me as I see all the volunteer work done by people like you and the people in our local club and I feel like I enjoy the benefits, but don't put a lot of time in.
I don't want to be that way and I had been feeling guilty that in our local club there are a few guys/gals who do most of the heavy lifting. I want badly to help, but we have work and elderly family commitments on weekends, which are the days they have work parties. I took ONE day off work w/o pay with my husband to help cut trees out of the trails for the groomer after a big storm, but that was ONE day and the same people are out there consistently all season.
So the only way I feel that I can DO something is to donate a membership fee to several groups and add numbers to help with lobbying.
I'm so grateful for the work volunteers do that benefit us. I know that I'll get emails from ISSA, SAWS and BRC to alert us to action that needs to be taken. Someone does the work for me and if it wasn't for guys like you a lot wouldn't get done and a lot of us would be oblivious. (and SAWS is FREE because you guys volunteer!)
I noticed that being a member of the club and knowing the hard work others from our club have done really changes my attitude and makes me want to protect what we have. I'm more prone to want to tell people when they're sledding in areas posted "no snowmobiles beyond this point" because I know Plum Creek will take our riding privileges away if their newly planted trees get topped by our sleds. People from our club clean up the warming hut after it's been trashed (which makes me want to do my part when I see trash), fix items that have been vandalized, cut the firewood for the warming hut, put the signs up so we know where we are, take them down again end of season, cut the trees out of the trails, organize multiple family events and rides, faithfully attend meetings and take minutes, discuss club issues, put on fund raisers and safety/avy courses, and on and on.
So please know that we do appreciate you.
ModJunkie, I have tremendous respect for you that you had the character to say what you said. Thank you for joining.
BTW, on the political front, I joined the NRA on Friday and I don't even shoot