A national militia and Community policing
"I will ask for your service and your active citizenship when I am president of the United States ... this will be a central cause of my presidency," says Barack Obama.[18]
So how will such "active citizenship" change America? How will he use his mandatory "service learning" programs -- and his proposed "civilian national security force" (remember, it will be "just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as our traditional military)?[1]
We find some clues in the article, "Community Oriented Policing," by Phillip Worts, a detective with the San Diego Police Department. Ponder these excerpts:
"Social chaos is the GOAL for the transformational Marxist. The crisis of crime and disorder is the door for the ... facilitator/change agent to enter the community and to initiate the paradigm shift! Even though these social architects plainly admit what is most vital in making for a crime free community, they have absolutely no intention of restoring 'individual conscience' or going back to repairing the traditional family. On the contrary, for the past sixty years these socio-psychologists have been introducing these very dialectic concepts into our school system with the intent of demolishing personal conscience....":
"Just in case you doubt the Marxist nature of their concepts of community transformation, Trojanowicz quotes Saul Alinsky, the extreme Marxist change agent of the 60’s who authored Rules for Radicals. Alinsky proposed 'we begin viewing community through the prism of issues (Issues= problems= crisis= conflict)...
"Formerly, the police administrators were accountable to the elected officials who were accountable to the voters (representative democracy). This new paradigm that Trojanowicz describes is exactly what Marxist George Lukacs termed 'participatory democracy' and is nothing more than the Soviet style council.
"The United States Constitution was the law of the land (absolute authority) restraining government intrusion into the rights of the individual. The framers designed it to insulate the private realm (the individual) from the public realm (government). Allow me to repeat Lukacs: 'The institutions in socialist society which act as the facilitators between the public and private realms are the Soviets.'
"By practicing the dialectic, we are removing the only barrier between a tyrannical government and the private citizen. Your neighborhood cop is now that facilitator, the Soviet."[19]
heres an idea or meta-narrative as to why they dont want to secure our borders.