Been looking at buying a second house down south..pretty cheap down there.
Also been thinking about selling my fourplace and getting a slide in camper for the truck and turning into a younger....more mobile...version of Bushy!
A new dispensary just opened 5 minutes from my house....Colorado living at its finest.
Going to go check it out today. They have 4 gram 8ths and free joint with every purchase.
I have noticed the prices really starting to drop as more dispensaries open. I can still get cheaper on the street with my connections, but the ease of running out to get a red bull and satchel is worth the few extra bucks
been in waiting mode on the camper.....little one cant go yet, so waiting to 'go big' in 18 months or so...
but did look at a '04 Lance slidein yesterday, MINT cond used maybe 3x. The truck attached had 2500mi on sad...
But its for a longbed truck, so not going to fit in my dodge...
if all goes well, i'll be traveling light this year and riding even more...maybe